Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Contra: The Alien Wars

Contra The Alien Wars for Game Boy. Also known as "Probotector". This 1994 game from Konami is set in A.D. 2636. I find this game to be a really fun action game for the Game Boy.

The story begins with aliens invading and causing massive problems to the city. "It's time for revenge". This game is the Contra III for the Game Boy. This game does not have very many levels, but if you play on a harder difficulty more levels are present. The different settings of difficulty: easy, normal, hard, maniac. There is also a sound test that features: Mono (one speaker?), stereo (two speakers) and fx (only sound effects). There is also a song test mode in the options.

The game play is much like all the other Contra games. He may run a bit slower but the jumping and shooting are all the same. I like the option of difficulty. This game can be played on easy or hard. The sound and music are really good for a Game Boy system. With 10 songs. The presentation is basic, not much going on. The graphics are OK. Very much like the other Contra games and it plays well.

Graphics: 7 out of 10
Sound and Music: 8 out of 10
Game play: 7.2 out of 10
Presentation: 3 out of 10

Overall: 8.1 out of 10


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