Thursday, June 9, 2011


Wolfenstein is one of those great games you just can't put down once you pick it up. It's got that great 'hook you' moments rights from the start, similiar to Half Life and Half Life 2, the game throws you into great action situations that also move the plot forward, and makes you, the player decide what to do. Wolfenstein is a first person shooter based on the very popular Wolfenstein game series original created by Id games in 1992, it is one of the first games to use 3d graphics to showcase a compelling first person viewpoint. The idea of the original games is you traverse dozens of labyrinth style rooms fighting Nazis during WWII, ultimately to find what is going on in the giant castle. This new Wolfenstein is much the same, only ten times better because it's now on the next-gen consoles. Wolfenstein is still in first person, but now you can get missions from members of the golden dawn, or the Kreisau circle, (factions who are fighting against the Nazi regime) and help them defeat the ultimate evil- the third reich. The graphics here are stunning. I've played both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, and I think the PS3 version actually looks a little bit better, although they are both amazing examples of new technology. I love when water or veil pools drip on the screen, the drips look real! Textures are beautiful, and this game encounters no hiccups at all in the graphics department, which is what I've come to expect from Id games. Quake 4 looked good, but Wolfenstein looks great. I also like the fact that missions are done by leaving the 'hub level', which is a level in and of itself, where you fight nazi forces and try to get to your objective. The game uses a terrific objective marker on the top of the screen, which tells you where you need to be heading. However, you can veer off the main path and find dozens of secrets like hidden gold and veil points you can only use with your veil powers, which brings me to one of the best aspects of the game. B.J., the main hero, encounters a magic crystal that the Nazis have been using, and you can then use it yourself to use magic powers to slow down time, or see in the dark. You find pools of veil power all over the game world, allowing you fill up your veil meter. It's brilliant game design, and add that extra bit of excitement to each stage. It's like playing the level in a whole new way.
Wolfenstein's sound and music are phenomenal, especially the sound effects of the guns firing, which echo in the city streets. The music is orchestral soundtrack, and it builds up when you encounter enemies. It's spot on. Perfect. It can really drive you sometimes to finish the mission.
Wolfenstein's gameplay is shooting at it's finest. This game is all about shooting. It's a first person shooter, and that's what the fun is all about. The weapons and controls are perfect, and very precise. I can't say enough good things about the variety of weapons, or the great zoom in with the L1 button mode. It's perfect for the game, and you can also upgrade your weapons with the gold you find! Do you want secrets in your game? This game is full of them! Not only can you find gold all over the stages, even the hub world, but also tomes of power, to unlock more abilities for your veil powers! This game seems to be endless with user custom design and tweaking, it's all very impressive, and that is just the single player campaign!
The bottom line is, you want a shooter that really lives up the the 'Wolfenstein' name, and gives you fun, and exciting Nazi killing first person shooting gameplay, this new 'Wolfenstein' is it. You won't be disappointed with Id games latest. I just can't wait to see what they have in store next!

Graphics: 9.2 out of 10
Sound and Music: 9.8 out of 10
Presentation: 8.8 out of 10
Gameplay: 9.7 out of 10

Overall: 9.4 out of 10


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