Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bioshock (PS3)

This is a review for Bioshock for the PS3.
I went into this game with high hopes, but instead was very let down. Many reviewers gave this game a perfect score, but I was very disappointed with the game. It is a First person shooter, and for the most part, especially for the beginning of the game, it all work well. Soon, you find that you can get things called plasmids, which your character can buy with money he finds, or just find it from dead people. You shoot this drug into your arm with a needle, which I found to be very indicative of what drug heads do. So, this game already promotes drug use. Anyway, the plasmids give you power to use lightning and fire, and other magical type powers. That, with the included ability to hack service bots to help fight for you, and that fact that you can use many guns in the game, help out in the action department. The real problem, is that the game is way too hard. Even at the easiest difficulty setting, which I was playing the game at, it's still too hard to even do anything, because you find that you keep dying, because there are so many hidden enemies. Also, they're all really strong, which makes it all very hard. I couldn't get very far in the game. It seems to be very interesting story-wise, but it's all actually very strange. The story is so weird it may turn you off to the game. I can't recommend this game to many people, unless you want to try something very different. Who knows, you may end up liking it.

Graphics: 9 out of 10
Sound and Music: 8 out of 10
Presentation: 10 out of 10
Gameplay: 6 out of 10

Overall: 6.8 out of 10


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