Saturday, November 17, 2012

Xevious (NES)

Xevious is a verticle scrolling shooter from Namco.

In Xevious you play as a flying ship that travels over an island that looks very similar to the country of Peru. There are a number of different flying enemies.They all look very funny on the NES. But that is to be expected, because it is an older NES game. The sounds are great, but the music can be annoying. This is one of those games where you will try to get the highest score out of all of your friends. This game is great to play with friends. A solid shooter on the NES.

Graphics: 5 out of 10
Sound and Music: 5.1 out of 10
Presentation: 4.2 out of 10
Gameplay: 8.9 out of 10
Overall: 7.4 out of 10


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