Monday, June 14, 2010

Smuggler's Run: Warzones

Rockstar Games and Angel Studios presents Smuggler's Run: Warzones. This is a 2002 game that puts the player behind the wheel. You are a smuggler. Two and four-player support.

The game starts with Frank telling you to get out there and smuggle the items. It is uncertain what the items are being smuggled. You must drive across the land, pick up the item and deliver it to a checkpoint. Most of the missions are a race against time. The story also has a good number of video clips (cut scenes). Live action clips of Frank the smuggler meeting new people and wanting to get paid.

There are many different vehicles ranging from an ATV to a huge truck. There are 36 story missions. Turf Wars, Checkpoint races, Joyriding and extras. The game play is very fun. You can go almost anywhere on the map. The vehicles drive very easy and fast. It reminds me of an arcade game. The music can be repetitive at times, but it also sounds like dance music. Most of it fits with the action which is good. The graphics are nice and the geography of the map really stands out. Presentation looks like a smugglers computer.

This game is just fun. Jumping from location to location is a blast. The vehicles seem to do the impossible; climbing up huge mountains at an almost 90 degree angle. It is a very fun and somewhat easy game.

Graphics: 7.7 out of 10
Music and Sound: 8 out of 10
Game play: 8.7 out of 10
Presentation: 7 out of 10

Overall: 8.4 out of 10


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