Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Here is a fist-person-shooter game from the same company that made Doom. This game is a sequel to the game Heretic.

The setting appears to be the Middle Ages. Monsters and creatures roam around the land as if it was some kind of ancient nightmare. You can pick your character: Fighter, Cleric or Mage. The Cleric seems to be the strongest out of the three. There are five different difficulty settings ranging from Squire (easiest) to Titan (most difficult). The game play is not that great. It is very much like Doom but more confusing. Many times I was unable to find the button/switch to open the door. The graphics are okay, but I think there are some problems with the texture maps and level designs. The buttons do not stand out in the game and for the most part they blend into the environments making them harder to find. Same with the doors. The levels consist of finding an item (fire key) and then finding the correct portal to continue. The music is a mixture of synthesizers notes and percussion. It does not stand out very much.

At the beginning this game is fun. Later, the game-play is tiresome. The levels are a maze and it will eat up a lot of time just to complete one area. I don't recommend spending a strong amount of cash on HeXen for the Nintendo 64.

Graphics: 6 out of 10
Music and sound: 6.2 out of 10
Game-play: 5 out of 10
Presentation: 4.3 out of 10

Overall: 4.5 out of 10


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