Saturday, June 4, 2011

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

This is a fairly new entry into the Grand Theft Auto series from Rockstar games. Made in 2006, Vice City Stories takes place in Vice City just like the PS2 game, however your main character is now Victor Vance, Lance Vance's brother, instead of Tommy Vercetti. You start the game on the other side of the city, opposite the one you start at in Vice City. Most of the gameplay is the same: you find a mission to complete and the graphics are the same, however most of the controls have to be remapped for the PSP. To look left and right and back in the car, you have to hold down the left trigger button and move the analog stick left or right or back. Other controls are simple for locking onto enemies, and firing your gun. They are the same as the PS2 game. However, I would say that the graphics in this game look far better than in the original Vice City. Also, there are all new songs from the 80's on your radio stations, and the game takes place in 1984, whereas Vice City took place in 1987. This is a fun and pretty lengthy game. Shooting up crime lords and common criminals is the name of the game, and the voice acting is well done. Also, some characters from other GTA games make appearances. I've never played GTA Liberty City Stories yet, but Vice City Stories seems to have everything that made Vice City such a fun game to play, and little more. You can now own 'front' where you can make extra money and do missions for. There are 'fronts' all over the city, and aquiring them and running them all will take some time and effort, so it bring replay value to the game. Overall, Vice City Stories is a very fun game, and one that will keep you playing just to see what happens next. I just wish it would have included some of the things that made San Andreas so much fun to play, such as a jet pack and parachuting.

Graphics- 8.8 out of 10
Sound and Music- 9.6 out of 10
Presentation- 9.3 out of 10
Gameplay- 9.7 out of 10

Overall- 9.3 out of 10


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